Watch What Happened When This 12-Year-Old Shih Tzu Tried Our Products

Denise Lessard
Authored by Denyse Lessard
Denyse is an in Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy, and the formulator behind most of Zumalka's natural health products for pets.

Avery Very Special General Detox Package Review - Subscribe to her YouTube Channel Here


Having an older pet causes you to think more about the value of life. As much as we’d love them to, pets simply don’t live as long as humans. But if you’re Amber Canaan, you’re going to do everything in your power to make the most of the time they have. We can even hope that health habits may increase our time with them.

Now in his golden years, Amber’s 12-year-old shih tzu Avery is starting to experience some health issues.

  1. Avery no longer makes tears, so as Amber describes it, it’s almost like he has a constant eye infection. There’s a lot of discharge, and it’s more than just the typical tear staining.

  2. Avery also suffers from warty growths that were up to nearly the size of a quarter each.

Searching for a Remedy That Works

Neither of his conditions were life threatening, but they did affect the quality of Avery and Amber’s lives. So Amber did what any loving pet owner would do. She took her dog to the vet.


The vet prescribed two ointments. And although Amber was always a little hesitant to give Avery traditional medicine –he nearly died from the heartworm medicine Trefexis– she gave it a shot.

The traditional medicine did nothing to improve her pup’s condition. Desperate, Amber tried coconut oil because she knew it was a natural remedy for so many things. To her surprise, it worked better than the ointments! But there was a limit to the improvement she saw.

So she began searching for homeopathic products and found Zumalka. Sure, she was a little skeptical. It just seemed too easy.

Amber pushed forward because she had great experiences with homeopathic products for herself and family in the past. So, she called Zumalka.


Amber’s Experience with Zumalka

Once we heard Amber’s story, we were confident that our products could help. If there was such thing as a perfect candidate for homeopathic products, Avery was it. He’s an older dog with chronic conditions and Amber had already tried the traditional route without success. When she talked to our Customer Happiness Team about Averie’s issues, they listened intently, took diligent notes and asked a few questions. Then, after consulting with our homeopath, they called Amber back with a custom solution designed to target Avery’s specific condition.

Avery’s plan included:

  1. General Detox Package – This package includes homeopathic products designed to help the body’s natural detoxification process. Each product works synergistically with the rest to produce the best possible result.

  2. Tonic Pet #9 – These little white tablets are formulated with natural homeopathic ingredients to help maintain your pet’s water balance and maintain water in the tissues. It works for excessive dryness and excessive fluids (water retention). When the body doesn’t have the right water balance, systems lag and before long, you’ll begin to notice outward symptoms. Tonic Pet #9 keeps your pet’s water balance in check, so other bodily systems can work properly.

Get now the same package Amber ordered for Avery and get great results

Why These Products Worked So Well for Avery

Amber was tasked with following the directions for using all of the products, so they could work in harmony. Not every product has to be used every day, but it is important to stay consistent and follow the instructions for the best results.

After using our products for 2 months, Amber and Avery have noticed tremendous improvement. The key to her success was in using the products as directed.

Avery’s Amazing Transformation

Amber went from cleaning his eyes twice daily to cleaning them about every week. This is thanks to his body’s systems working properly, which happened as a result of Amber’s diligent use of our homeopathic products. Do you remember those warty growths that were previously the size of a quarter? Now they’re smaller than a pencil eraser.

Probably the best part is that Avery now has more energy than he’s had in a long time. It is truly priceless to see your old dog acting young again! Overall, his health and appearance seem to have improved.

Just watch the video to hear Amber rave about how, "he looks SO GOOD now."

She highly, highly recommends us and our homeopathic products.

How to Start a Homeopathic Kit for Your Pet

If your pet is older and/or having chronic health issues, you are perfect candidates for our homeopathic products. If you care about your pet and want him or her to live a long, happy and healthy life, you are perfect candidates for our homeopathic products. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Browse our website and look through the different categories to find your pet’s ailment. If your pet has more than one ailment

  2. If you think there’s a specific situation that is unlike the standard condition, give us a call. We can create a custom product specifically for your pet.

  3. Once you have chosen your product, place your order. Please understand that our products are carefully crafted and take some time to process.

  4. When the order arrives, begin right away! Your pets will thank you for it. Just be sure to read the directions for each product in your package. Two sprays or tablets may have different instructions, so be sure you know how and when to give them to your pet.


Are you ready to get started? Give us a call or click here to browse the website.


Get now the same package Amber ordered for Avery and get great results



Here is Amber's Video Review Transciption

AMBER CANAAN: "Hey, guys, it’s Amber. Welcome back to my channel. I have my little Avery here with me today. He has just gotten a bath, and is quite furry. It’s time for him to have a new haircut. But, I wanted to jump on here today and do an update video. If you did not catch the video which I will link here, I think I posted it about two months ago, about some health issues he was having.

Avery is a twelve-year-old Shih Tzu. Because of his age and being an elderly dog, he has developed a couple of health problems. One of them is that he no longer makes tears, so he has constant dry eye and is very prone to eye infections. The other thing is that he has had, for a few years now, warty growths all over his body. The vets said neither thing is anything to be overly concerned with. They’re not life-threatening.

But what I did was I started him on some homeopathic remedies from a company, all linked in the description box below. The name of it is “Zumalka.” This stuff, I was very hopeful when I started it because I’ve used homeopathic remedies for me and my kids and my husband, and they’ve worked well for us. But I wasn’t sure how it would work for a dog. So I had a consultation with them, let them know everything that was going on, and then they put together a treatment plan for him.

They sent me a probiotic that he takes every day. I break this up and put it over his food. Then there are four sprays that I spray directly in his mouth. He doesn’t get all of these everyday. They switch back and forth. One of them is for a liver detox, a kidney detox, a general detox, and then Lymph 2. We have all of those, and he doesn’t seem to mind them being sprayed into his mouth. The last thing we have is called Tonic Pet #9, which are really little white tablets that I just put in with his food and he eats that.

We’ve been using this for about two months now, and I have to tell you that the improvement I’ve seen with Avery is tremendous. I used to have to clean his eyes twice a day, because they would get so junky with dryness. I now have to clean his eyes about once a week, and I’m not exaggerating that.

I just gave him a bath, and dried his hair with a hair-dryer. He used to have some really large quarter-sized warty growths all over his body. Now he doesn’t have very many left, and they are reduced down to smaller than a pencil eraser. That is amazing. He also seems to have more energy. I’m just really thankful for the improvement I’ve seen.

I was hopeful that it would work, but at the same time skeptical because it seemed so easy. The vet herself had not been able to successfully help his eyes or his skin condition. So I am really pleased with the way that this has gone, and we’re going to keep this up. That’s one good thing about the homeopathic remedies is they last a really long time. Most of these little spray bottles I’ve been using for two months, and I’ve only used down to the top of the label. These will last forever. For the capsules, we’re still over halfway full. I’ve been pretty faithful about doing this every day. I’ve missed a couple days this past week, but for the most part, it’s been every day for the past two months. It’s been really easy giving this to him. You can see him, he looks so good now. I’m really impressed. Aren’t you impressed, Avery?

If you have a dog or an animal, you can go check them out. Given them a call, they’ll give you a free phone consultation, and help pick exactly what would be the right treatment plan depending on what issues your animal has going on. I highly recommend them. And for it to be something that’s natural, and not something synthetic and be something he could react with, because he has in the past with some medications, especially Trifexis, which is a heartworm/flea/tick thing, he almost died from taking that. So I’m really hesitant to give him pharmaceutical medications or anything synthetic.

That is it, and he is done with the camera time. We’re going to go. Check the description box below. If you have any questions or comments, let me know. Until next time, I will see you later. God bless. Bye.


About the author

Denise Lessard
Denise Lessard


Denyse Lessard is deemed as the “mother” of Zumalka, which was established more than ten years ago to provide easily accessible natural products for pet wellness worldwide.

Besides being a trained alternative medicine therapist, Denyse also has expertise in homeopathy, naturopathy and iridology, reflexology, as well as Chinese medicine. She is a long-standing member of the Professional Union of Homeopaths of Quebec, as well as the Association of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Quebec.

Denyse’s philosophy as regards pet wellness is not just about only dealing with disease and illness when they get in the picture, but keeping animals in ideal health each and every day.

Find out more about Denyse when you click HERE.

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