Suzie Cyrenne
Authored by Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie is a Certified Homeopath and Co-Founder of Zumalka
, specializing in natural and holistic remedies for pets.


If you’re a pooch parent, knowing by heart what can dogs eat and what foods are toxic to dogs is definitely a must.


Besides keeping your canine family member ideally nourished, being aware of what human food is good for dogs also ensures that he won’t be vulnerable to unexpected health issues sooner or later.


And while this may sound surprising, a lot of people mistakenly believe that if a certain foodstuff is good for humans, then the same applies to their pooch.


I’m telling you as early as now that this mindset is wrong and may put your precious pet at risk of serious or even fatal consequences if you don’t thoroughly know what foods can dogs not eat.


This is the main reason why I’ve assembled a comprehensive list of what human food can dogs eat so you won’t have a tough time distinguishing which is which. Now we’ve got that covered, let’s dive right in…




As a homeopath and an advocate of alternative medicine, I’ve learned that a dog’s body processes food differently compared to that of a human. Sure there may be some similarities here and there, but it’s an entirely distinct setup if you look at the big picture.


See, while there are human foods dogs can eat, there are also fruits, vegetables, delicacies, and treats that could be harmful or even toxic to them.


This is one of the key mindsets that I and the rest of our team in Zumalka aim to spread to pooch parents across the globe to help keep their precious dogs happy and healthy.


Using our combined experience as regards to the benefits of natural products, we’ve already helped thousands of satisfied pet parents and healthy animals worldwide.


Our focus is primarily set on making the most of what Mother Nature has to offer to boost your pet’s overall immune system health to keep diseases at bay, especially against cancer.


You see, your dog mainly takes in nutrients through food. These nutrients not just play an important role in helping and supporting ideal body function, but also promote immune system health.


In other words, the more beneficial nutrients a pooch is able to gather from foodstuffs, he not just stays in tip-top shape, but his or her immune system will also become tougher against illnesses.


Now here’s something that some dog parents are not probably aware of…


There are types of foods that may be nutritious and beneficial to humans, but are the exact opposite to your precious canine companion. It’s even likely that you’re feeding your dog the wrong things, which can eventually lead to obesity, disease, and even death.


So without further ado, let’s find out what human food dogs can eat as well as those that you shouldn’t be giving them even the slightest morsel…




Can dogs eat bananas?

Definitely! Bananas are packed with Vitamin B6 and potassium that promote and support nerve and brain function. They also contain abundant levels of fiber and carbohydrates that help prevent constipation.


Can dogs eat strawberries?

Absolutely! Strawberries are loaded with Vitamin C, which helps in keeping cardiovascular health ideal. According to scientific studies, their high amounts of polyphenols can also stave off illnesses. Remember to wash them thoroughly, though.


Can dogs eat apples?

Yes! Apples are plentiful in soluble fiber, Vitamin C, antioxidants, as well as other nutrients. Besides being seen to help reduce cellular oxidative damage, these crunchy fruits are also beneficial in maintaining ideal respiratory and digestive function.


Can dogs eat watermelon?

Totally! Watermelons are rich in Vitamin A, which help prevent eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration. They are also packed with Vitamin C that reduces inflammation and muscle soreness. Just make sure you remove the seeds first and don’t serve the rind, too.


Can dogs eat blueberries?

Definitely! Blueberries are abundant in phytoflavinoids and Vitamin K that promote ideal bone health. These beneficial compounds have been also seen to help minimize the risk of getting urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections.


Can dogs eat grapes?

No! While the exact reason still eludes scientists and researchers until now, grapes have been seen to cause acute kidney failure in dogs. What’s even more frightening is that even a single grape can already trigger disastrous results. Keep these away at all times.


Can dogs eat pineapple?

Absolutely! Pineapples are loaded with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C that help protect your pooch from inflammation and diseases. Make sure you only go for fresh pineapples and not the canned variety, which can contain additives that can be harmful to your dog.


Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Yes! However, it is important that you only feed your pooch ripe tomatoes. This is because green tomatoes contain solanine, a chemical that is toxic to dogs. Also remember to remove the seeds first to avoid digestion issues.


Can dogs eat oranges?

Totally! Oranges are packed with nutrients that not just help improve the retention of iron to keep anemia at bay, but also stimulate the ideal production of collagen, which supports tendon and ligament health. Make sure you only give your dog a maximum of one orange per day to prevent stomach upset.


Can dogs eat carrots?

Definitely! Carrots are plentiful in Vitamin K and calcium, which help promote stronger bones and prevent obesity in dogs. This root crop also prevents the formation of tooth cavities with its rich keratin levels. Its crunchy texture will also delight your pooch.


Can dogs eat avocado?

Yes, but only in minimal amounts. See, avocados contain trace amounts of persin, a naturally-occurring toxin. While persin is usually concentrated in the avocado leaves and pit, it is still recommended to only give your pooch small amounts of this fruit just to be extra safe.


Can dogs eat broccoli?

Yes, but only in minimal amounts. It is highly recommended that you steam or boil this vegetable first without adding anything to it for a softer texture. Also remember to slice the broccoli in very small portions to prevent bits sticking to your dog’s teeth and throat.


Can dogs eat mango?

Totally! Mangoes are abundant in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin A that support ideal cardiovascular, digestive, and immune system health, among other benefits. However, make sure you give your pooch only moderate amounts of mango due to its relatively high sugar content.


Can dogs eat shrimp?

Yes, so long as it’s properly cooked, deveined, shelled, and wild-caught. Besides being rich in protein and other compounds that support ideal thyroid health, shrimp also contains astaxanthin, a type of antioxidant that is deemed to help prevent the onset of skin cancer.


Can dogs eat popcorn?

Yes, so long as it’s air-popped and does not have anything added to it. The extra fat in butter and oil, combined with salt and other condiments, can easily lead to a spike in the bad cholesterol levels of your pooch. Don’t forget to check your dog’s teeth and gums afterwards for wayward popcorn bits and pieces.


Can dogs eat cucumbers?

Absolutely! Cucumbers are full of fiber, electrolytes, and antioxidants that not just help prevent dehydration, but also stave off gastrointestinal problems. You can give them to your pooch in small portions either peeled or with the skin on. Moreover, remember to only go for raw cucumbers and not the pickled ones.


Can dogs eat eggs?

Definitely! Eggs are some of the best sources of selenium, riboflavin, and protein for your pooch. However, it is important that you cook them beforehand to prevent the risk of Salmonella poisoning. You don’t need to add anything to the eggs before serving as well.


Can dogs eat cheese?

Totally! Cheese is packed with Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, and calcium that will help promote ideal energy levels as well as support bone health. Keep in mind, though, to avoid artisanal cheeses that contain other ingredients like chives since they can be toxic to your pooch.


Can dogs eat almonds?

Yes, so long as they’re unflavored and broken in small pieces. While this step is optional, you can also briefly wash the almonds in running water before giving it to your dog. This will remove the excess salt that may be in the nuts.


Can dogs eat potatoes?

Yes, so long as they’re cooked and nothing is added to them. Like unripe tomatoes, raw potatoes have trace amounts of solanine, a compound that is toxic to your pooch. The best ways to prepare these root vegetables for your dog without a fuss are either baking or boiling them.


Can dogs eat corn?

Absolutely! However, it is important to keep in mind that you can only serve raw or boiled corn without added seasonings or flavoring to your canine family member. Limit the serving to half a corn, too. And while you’re at it, avoid giving him or her the cob since this can possibly lead to choking or stomach upsets.


Can dogs eat celery?

Definitely! Celery is abundant in fiber, calcium, and potassium that not only helps promote ideal cardiovascular health, but also keeps your dog’s teeth and gums in good shape. As a bonus, this vegetable contains apigenin, which is believed to have anti-cancer properties. Remember to limit your serving to two bite-sized pieces.


Can dogs eat peanuts?

Yes, so long as they’re shelled without any seasonings and flavoring added. You can either give your pooch raw or boiled peanuts. It is crucial to remember, though, that peanuts should not be given to your dog as a daily treat for its high fat content.


Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, so long as the pits are completely removed. The pits of peaches contain trace amounts of cyanide that are toxic to your canine companion. You can go for either fresh or frozen peaches, but never the canned variety since they contain preservatives that can be harmful to your pooch.


Can dogs eat mushrooms?

Yes, so long as you bought them from the store or cultivated them yourself. Never feed your dog wild mushrooms! Examples of dog-safe mushrooms include Maitake, Reishi, Cremini, and Portobello. You should also cook the mushrooms before serving. A quick 3-minute boil will do the trick.


Can dogs eat cantaloupe?

Totally! Cantaloupes are rich in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, which boost the immune system and keep the eyes healthy. Make sure you peel the cantaloupe first and remove the seeds before serving this sweet, tasty treat to your pooch.


Can dogs eat cherries?

Yes, so long as the pits are completely removed. Akin to peaches, the pits of cherries also contain trace amounts of cyanide that are toxic to your pooch. Only go for fresh cherries and stay clear from preserved or sweetened varieties like the maraschino.


Can dogs eat blackberries?

Absolutely! Aside from helping keep your canine family member’s teeth strong and healthy, this sweet treat also promotes ideal digestive function and regular bowel movement. Remember that moderation is key since blackberries have a relatively high sugar content.


Can dogs eat cashews?

Definitely! Cashew nuts belong to the list of edible nuts that aren’t toxic to dogs. However, make sure you only give your pooch raw, unsalted, and unflavored cashew nuts. Don’t mix them with other types of nuts as well. One or two pieces will already suffice.


Can dogs eat pistachios?

Yes, so long as they’re unshelled, unsalted, and only in very small quantities. Your pooch will be prone to stomach upsets and similar gastrointestinal issues if he or she binges on these nuts. There are even documented cases of dogs developing pancreatitis due to overfeeding on pistachios. A couple of pieces will be enough.


Can dogs eat pears?

Totally! Pears are loaded with Vitamin K and copper that help maintain ideal cardiovascular health as well as preventing excessive bleeding. However, it is highly recommended that you remove the seeds first and cut up the fruit in small, bite-sized pieces before serving them to your pooch.


Can dogs eat onions?

No! Every part of the onion is toxic to your canine companion. Your pooch could be at risk of serious—even fatal—adverse effects if he or she ingests the flesh, juice, leaves, and even the roots of this vegetable. Mind you, cooking or processing the onion does not take away its toxicity.


Can dogs eat bread?

Absolutely! It is important to remember, though, you can only give your pooch plain bread. Artisanal breads that contain herbs, spices, and other seasonings do not count. Same rule goes for sweetened breads.


Can dogs eat pickles?

No! While cucumbers are safe for dogs to eat, pickles aren’t because they contain other ingredients like onion, which is toxic for your four-legged friend. This one should be on your list of foods to avoid.


Can dogs eat raspberries?

Definitely! Raspberries are loaded with Vitamin C and fiber that can help support and heal inflammations. Interestingly, these sweet treats are recommended for older dogs since they have been seen to alleviate joint issues that may cause discomfort or pain.


Can dogs eat asparagus?

Yes, so long as they’re cooked until really soft with no added seasoning or flavoring. While asparagus is deemed as one of the vegetables that are not toxic to dogs, their tough and fibrous parts may not be easily digested by your pooch. Steaming or boiling these veggies longer than usual will do the trick.


Can dogs eat cinnamon?

Yes, so long as it is in powder form and you’re only serving a very small amount. Overdoing it can lead to vomiting and loose bowel movement for your precious pet. And while we’re at it, don’t allow your pooch to chew on a cinnamon stick because it may irritate his or her gums.


Can dogs eat peanut butter?

Yes, so long as it does not contain the sweetener called xylitol. Just to give you a quick preview of how harmful xylitol is to dogs, even a very small amount—say, half a teaspoon—can already trigger liver failure, seizures, and death.


Can dogs eat tuna?

Yes, so long as it is fresh, in moderation and in small amounts. Fresh tuna actually contains several beneficial components like omega-3 fatty acids and protein. However, letting your dog consume large portions of tuna can potentially put him at risk of mercury poisoning, which can be fatal to some dogs.


Can dogs eat green beans?

Totally! Green beans are some of the safest food for dogs. You can boil, steam, or grill these babies and then give them to your pooch. But hold the salt and other seasonings, though. Green beans are so safe, you can even feed them to your dog raw.


Can dogs eat rice?

Absolutely! Rice is one of the most neutral foods that you can serve to your pooch. Besides being rich in fiber, it also helps soothe upset stomachs. However, it should be plain, steamed rice that doesn’t have any seasoning or flavoring.


Can dogs eat cauliflower?

Yes, but only in minimal amounts. Cauliflower is loaded with vitamins and minerals that support your dog’s immune system health. However, this vegetable should be boiled or steamed until really soft without adding anything to it. Make sure you slice it in small portions before serving.


Can dogs eat raw eggs?

No! Although some dog owners insist that raw eggs contain higher amounts of protein compared to their cooked counterparts, there is a big possibility that your pooch will be vulnerable to Salmonella infection when he or she consumes them.


Can dogs eat spinach?

Yes, so long as it is in very small portions and without adding any flavoring or seasoning. Spinach contains decent amounts of magnesium and Vitamin E that helps boost overall immune system health. However, it also has very high amounts of oxalic acid, which does not only trigger kidney damage, but also prevents a dog’s body from absorbing calcium.


Can dogs eat nuts?

Yes, but there are certain types of nuts that are toxic and harmful to dogs. The nuts that you should keep clear of include macadamias, hazelnuts, and pecans. Besides containing a compound that causes seizures in dogs, these nuts also have poisonous amounts of mycotoxins that can cause damage in your pet’s liver.


Can dogs eat ham?

Yes, so long as it is in very small portions and not given as a regular treat. While ham is a very good source of protein, it is also quite high in cholesterol (and not the good kind, too) as well as salt and preservatives. Allowing your pooch to binge on ham can put him or her at risk of pancreatitis.


Can dogs eat garlic?

Yes, as long as you follow the recommended amounts of fresh garlic for your pooch. Associating garlic with your canine family member's diet can enhance liver function and help boost immune system. It also helps in preventing ticks and fleas.


Can dogs eat turkey?

Yes, so long as only plain, white meat is served. Don’t forget to get rid of the bones before feeding it to your pooch to prevent the likelihood of choking risks. It’s also recommended to remove the skin since they can contain spices and flavorings that can be harmful to your canine family member.


Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?

Yes, so long as it is cooked, peeled and without any seasoning or flavoring. You can either boil or steam them until they are really soft. Make sure you slice or break the sweet potatoes in small, bite-sized portions so your pooch won’t have a tricky time chewing and swallowing them.


Can dogs eat honey?

Yes, so long as it is not raw honey and only in very small portions. Besides possibly having lots of bacteria that can wreak havoc in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract, raw honey is also very likely to contain trace amounts of Clostridium botulinum spores that can cause paralysis.


Can dogs eat peas?

Absolutely! Peas contain various beneficial components like folate and potassium that not just keep your dog’s energy levels ideal, but also help support overall bone and muscle health. Make sure you go for fresh peas, but store-bought is also fine so long as no salt is added. Your pooch will love them either steamed or pureed.


Can dogs eat lettuce?

Totally! Besides helping keep your pooch hydrated with its high water content, lettuce also has Vitamin C that staves off inflammation. Remember to thoroughly wash this vegetable first to get rid of any foreign matter that may be hiding under its layers. Only give your canine friend fresh lettuce without any salad dressing or condiment.


Can dogs eat pork?

Yes, so long as it is fully cooked, in moderation, and without any flavoring or seasoning. Depending on your preference, you can boil, steam, grill, or roast this type of meat before feeding it to your pooch. Keep clear from processed pork products like salami, pepperoni, and bacon, among others, since they contain ingredients that may be toxic to your dog.


Can dogs eat coconut?

Definitely! The average coconut is rich in fatty acids that help keep fleas and ticks at bay, while giving your dog’s coat a healthy, shiny sheen at the same time. Coconut water is also packed with electrolytes that maintain ideal hydration levels. Just make sure you get rid of any bits of shell first before giving it to your pooch.


Can dogs eat yogurt?

Yes, so long as it is plain and in very small amounts. Although yogurt does not have any ingredients that can cause adverse effects to your pooch, giving too much of this stuff to your pet can lead to stomach upsets due to its high lactose content. A single tablespoon will already go a long way.


Can dogs eat raw chicken?

No! Feeding your pooch raw chicken not just puts him or her at risk of Salmonella and Campylobacter bacterial infection, but also to a condition called polyradiculoneuritis that triggers sudden and even serious paralysis of the limbs.


Can dogs eat ice cream?

Yes, so long as you made it yourself and it does not have any ingredients that are harmful to your pooch. Most commercial ice cream may contain additives like xylitol, coffee, macadamia nuts, as well as chocolate that can cause adverse effects in your dog’s system. Putting dog-safe fruits like bananas, watermelons, and strawberries in the blender and then freezing the whole thing is a better alternative.


Can dogs eat salmon?

Yes, so long as it is properly and fully cooked without any flavoring or seasoning. Besides being loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that help maintain healthy digestive function, salmon has also been seen to support cognitive function in dogs. Steaming, grilling, or baking this fish will be a surefire treat for your pooch.


Can dogs eat bell peppers?

Absolutely! Whether it’s green, red, or yellow bell peppers, these colorful fruits (yes, they’re scientifically classified as fruits) have high Vitamin E levels that help maintain ideal cellular function in dogs. They can also keep eye problems at bay. And your canine family member will love that extra crunch, too.


Can dogs eat beans?

Yes, so long as you keep clear from broad beans. See, beans contain lots of soluble fiber and protein that not just keep muscles and ligaments strong, but also maintain regular bowel movement. Just make sure you don’t serve them raw. Steaming or blanching them will do the trick. Always avoid processed and canned varieties.


Can dogs eat fish?

Yes, so long as it is fresh, in moderation and in small amounts. Fish is one of the best foods you can give your dog with its rich levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Only feed your canine family member plain, unseasoned and unflavored fish, preferably steamed, baked, or grilled.


Can dogs eat chocolate?

No! Chocolate contains an alkaloid called theobromine, which is toxic to your pooch. Besides triggering irregular heartbeats and restlessness, this alkaloid is also known to cause cardiac arrest and muscle tremors in dogs. Moreover, white chocolate contains trace amounts of theobromine that can still be poisonous to your canine friend.


Can dogs eat marshmallows?

Yes, but it is best to avoid them for your pooch. While most marshmallows are only made up of gelatin, water, and sugar, some varieties may contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol that are toxic to dogs. If you’d like to give your pooch a sweet treat, giving him or her fruits like blueberries, oranges, and bananas is a much safer and healthier option.


Can dogs eat oatmeal?

Yes, so long as it is plain and in moderation. Keep clear from flavored and instant oatmeal since they contain additives that can be harmful to your pooch. A couple of tablespoons of oatmeal once a week will already suffice. Topping it off with dog-safe fruits like bananas, strawberries, and apples will make the whole thing even tastier for your pet.


Can dogs eat zucchini?

Yes, so long as it is plainly cooked and in small amounts. Zucchinis are loaded with calcium and potassium that support bone health and prevent muscular degenerative problems. You can boil, steam, or grill these healthy treats. Remember not to add any seasoning or flavoring while you’re at it.


Can dogs eat raisins?

No! Raisins are basically dried grapes and contain toxic substances that are extremely harmful to dogs. Although experts still can’t identify the specific compound or chemical that causes this toxicity, make sure you always keep these things away from your pooch. Same goes for other edibles like breads and snacks that contain raisins.


Can dogs eat cat food?

Yes, but it is not recommended. While cat food is not harmful to your pooch per se, dogs and cats have different nutritional requirements. This means that solely using cat food to feed your dog will make him or her feel full, but it won’t give your pet the nourishment he or she needs. A nip or two at the stuff from time to time is okay, though.


Can dogs eat walnuts?

No! Walnuts, especially black walnuts, have been seen to contain toxic compounds like juglone that are harmful to dogs. Besides triggering gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, allowing your pooch to have a go at walnuts can also possibly lead to pancreatic inflammation. Unshelled walnuts can be choking hazards to your pooch as well.


Can dogs eat pecans?

No! Pecans, like walnuts, contain a toxic compound called juglone that can trigger the onset of gastrointestinal issues and even pancreatitis in more serious cases. Some of the adverse effects of juglone when ingested by a dog include sudden muscle tremors and fevers that can last for a week. Ingesting a sizable amount can be also fatal.


Can dogs eat kiwi?

Definitely! Besides being sweet and loaded with Vitamin C that helps boost the immune system, kiwis are an awesome option if you’d like to give your pooch a tasty treat. Remember to peel them and remove their seeds first before giving your dog a bite of this fruit. It’s also recommended to slice kiwis in small tidbits for easy consumption.


Can dogs eat raw meat?

Yes, but it is not recommended. While dogs are inherently carnivores by nature, it doesn’t mean that you should serve your pooch raw meat on a regular basis. Besides exposing your canine friend to gastrointestinal infection brought about by E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella, these types of bacteria can also trigger respiratory issues like pneumonia.


Can dogs eat brussel sprouts?

Yes, so long as they are plainly steamed, grilled or boiled, and in small amounts. These leafy vegetables are packed with antioxidants and fiber, which help maintain ideal digestion in dogs. However, akin to humans, the most prominent effect of brussel sprouts on dogs is a build-up of stomach gasses that eventually results in flatulence. Feeding your pooch one or two of these is already adequate.


Can dogs eat olives?

Yes, so long as they are not pickled or processed in any way. Pickled olives contain onions, and other spices that can be harmful to your pooch. As for processed olives, they tend to be loaded with salt, which can spike your dog’s blood pressure if ingested. Too much salt can also lead to kidney problems in the long run.


Can dogs eat cranberries?

Absolutely! Flaunting a distinctly sweet yet tart taste, cranberries help stave off urinary tract infection and support ideal heart health. Moreover, you can feed your dog either fresh or dried cranberries. Giving your pooch about two or three of these will already suffice.


Can dogs eat bacon?

No! While plain, fully cooked pork is safe for dogs, bacon is packed with seasoning, spices, and similar additives that can be harmful to your canine family member. It is also not uncommon that bacon is very high in salt, which can negatively affect your pet’s kidneys and blood pressure.


Can dogs eat cabbage?

Definitely! Besides having high Vitamin C and Vitamin K content, cabbage is also loaded with fiber that helps maintain ideal digestive function. You can either serve this leafy vegetable plainly steamed or boiled until it’s soft, but not soggy. Remember to wash this veggie thoroughly to remove any unwanted foreign matter.


Can dogs eat egg shells?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Interestingly, egg shells are a good source of calcium when they are properly cleaned and dried. However, due to their very high level of calcium, it can be quite tricky to determine how much is safe for your pooch. Calcium overdose is a potentially serious condition, which is indicated by chronic constipation and severe lethargy.


Can dogs eat papaya?

Totally! If your pooch is having a tricky time staying regular when it comes to bowel movement, papaya is loaded with healthy enzymes that support gastrointestinal function. Just make sure you peel and remove the seeds first before serving it to your pooch. Go for fully ripe ones so your pet won’t have a tough time chewing and swallowing this treat.


Can dogs eat pomegranate?

Yes, but only in juice form and in minimal amounts. While pomegranates are not harmful to dogs per se, they contain an organic substance called tannin that can cause stomach upsets if consumed in large amounts. Eating the seeds whole can also make your pooch prone to choking. A single tablespoon already gives your dog the health benefits this fruit offers.


Can dogs eat pumpkin?

Absolutely! Pumpkins are loaded with fiber as well as other nutrients like zeaxanthin that help promote and support ideal eye health. While you can leave the skin on, make sure you remove the raw seeds since they can possibly cause choking to your pooch when swallowed. Plainly grilled, steamed, or boiled, your dog will love its sweet, earthy flavor.


Can dogs eat beets?

Definitely! Whether you’re serving the leaves or roots, beets are considered as dog-friendly vegetables rich in potassium and Vitamin A. However, it is recommended that you only serve them to your pooch plainly cooked and in moderation to avoid digestive issues. Either steaming or baking them is the way to go when it comes to fully harnessing their natural flavors.


Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds?

Yes, but make sure you cook them first, then grind them up or break them into small pieces. Raw pumpkin seeds can possibly cause choking in dogs. Baking them first for a few minutes not only softens the seed, but also makes the shell easy to remove. Remember to only give your pooch a few pieces at a time since pumpkin seeds have a high fat content.


Can dogs eat plums?

Yes, so long as you remove the pits first. While the flesh of the plum fruit is safe for dogs, remember to get rid of the pit and stem before serving it to your pooch. Besides being a choking hazard, the stem and pit contain trace amounts of hydrogen cyanide that is harmful to dogs if ingested. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to peel plums to get the most out of them flavor-wise.


Can dogs eat hot dogs?

No! While hot dogs are usually made with meats like pork, chicken, beef, and turkey, they are also packed with ingredients and additives that can trigger health issues in your pooch. A prominent example is onion powder, which is toxic to dogs.


Can dogs eat ginger?

Yes, so long as it is in minimal amounts. Ginger has been seen to contain compounds that help cure nausea and digestive issues in dogs. It can be used fresh, dried, or even in powder form. However, make sure you only give your pooch a very small amount since a little goes a long way when it comes to ginger.


Can dogs eat chicken bones?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Although chicken bones have been part of the canine diet in ancient times, it is not recommended for you to give your pooch chicken bones as a daily staple or as a treat. Besides the possibility of breaking into fragments, these things also don’t offer much in the nutrient department.


Can dogs eat edamame?

Yes, so long as they are plainly steamed, grilled or boiled, and in small amounts. Edamame is considered as one of the foods that are naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A few of these once a week also gives your pooch plenty of calcium and fiber. Ditch the salt and other flavorings when serving these up, though.


Can dogs eat seaweed?

Yes, so long as they are cooked and do not contain seasonings and other flavoring. Seaweed is rich in iodine, which supports ideal thyroid function. Besides helping your pooch maintain normal metabolism levels, this mineral also promotes ideal cardiovascular health. Remember not to give your dog raw seaweed since they can be teeming with contaminants. Steaming or boiling seaweed for a few minutes does the trick.


Can dogs eat french fries?

No! While french fries are not toxic to dogs per se, these things are not suitable for them either because they’re loaded with salt and fat that can cause adverse effects to the heart and kidneys. Regular consumption of french fries can also lead to obesity.


Can dogs eat peppers?

Absolutely! Whether you prefer green, red, or yellow bell peppers, these crunchy fruits are loaded with Vitamin E that help keep your dog’s cellular function optimal. However, this does not apply to chili peppers, which can irritate the taste buds and stomach lining of your pooch.


Can dogs eat applesauce?

Yes, so long as it is unsweetened and in very small amounts. With apples being the primary ingredient of applesauce, it is one of the foodstuffs that you can safely serve up to your pooch. However, it is recommended that you go for the homemade variety so you can regulate the amount of sugar used.


Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?

Yes, so long as they are cleaned, dried, and only the kernel is eaten. Sunflower seeds are loaded with minerals that promote strong bones. Baking for a few minutes at medium temperature is the most convenient method of preparing these treats for your pooch. This also helps loosen the shells for easy removal. Make sure you only give your dog a few pieces at a time.


Can dogs eat brown rice?

Yes, so long as it is served plain and in minimal amounts. Brown rice, compared to its white cousin, has richer levels of starch and fiber because it doesn’t go through the same amount of processing as the latter does. While brown rice is loaded with Vitamin D, which helps keep the heart in good shape, it should not be given to dogs that have sensitive stomachs or those with gastrointestinal problems.


Can dogs eat whipped cream?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Although whipped cream is not toxic to dogs, it does contain very high amounts of lactose that some pooches may have a difficult time breaking down and digesting. Moreover, you should pass up on this one for its lack of useful nutritional value.


Can dogs eat watermelon rind?

No! While watermelon is one of the dog-safe fruits that you can give your pooch, watermelon rind is another story. Besides being hard to chew, its tough texture will likely bruise your pet’s gums when he or she is having a go at it. Remember to only serve the fleshy part and you’re good to go.


Can dogs eat scrambled eggs?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked without oil and do not contain seasonings and other flavoring. Moreover, make sure you don’t add herbs and spices like onion, among others, which are toxic to dogs. Use a non-stick pan to prepare your eggs for easy cleanup afterwards.


Can dogs eat pasta?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked without oil and do not contain seasonings and other flavoring. Cooked pasta is completely safe for your pooch. However, keep clear of pasta varieties that are infused with spices and herbs, such as onion, since these are harmful to your canine family member. Remember to allow the cooked pasta to cool down first before serving it to your dog.


Can dogs eat squash?

Totally! Squash is packed with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your canine friend, particularly in helping keep his or her eyes and bones in good shape. Remember to remove the seeds first before baking, grilling, or steaming since they could pose as choking hazards to your pooch. Plainly cooked without any seasonings and flavoring added, your dog will surely find this healthy treat delicious.


Can dogs eat black beans?

Absolutely! Black beans contain compounds that have been seen to ward off cardiovascular disease as well as support bone health. However, you should only give your pooch plainly cooked black beans since they are very hard in raw form. Steaming or boiling these legumes for a few minutes will do the trick.


Can dogs eat rib bones?

No! While dogs are partly carnivores, their diet has evolved alongside modern times. Their teeth and jaws are not that adapted to chomping on bones, such as rib bones. Additionally, rib bones can break into fragments when your pooch is nipping at them. Besides possibly injuring his or her gums and tongue, these splinters can also choke your pet when swallowed.


Can dogs eat chickpeas?

Yes, so long as you go for the fresh variety and they are plainly cooked without seasonings and flavoring. Chickpeas are loaded with a unique type of fiber called raffinose, which helps promote and support ideal digestive function. Their earthy flavor also complements other dog-safe foodstuffs easily. A word of caution, though. Never give your pooch canned chickpeas because they contain additives that may be harmful to his or her system.


Can dogs eat pizza?

No! Pizza is just teeming with ingredients that are toxic to your pooch. Besides having loads of onion, this dish also contains processed meats like pepperoni, salami, and sausages, among others, which have additives that are harmful to your canine friend.


Can dogs eat kale?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked, in small amounts, and in moderation. Did you know that kale is one of the leafy greens that contain alpha linolenic-acid? It is a fatty acid that helps keep your dog’s heart healthy. This vegetable also has kaempferol and quercetin, two types of antioxidants that are deemed by scientists as having anticancer properties. Just hold the dressing and similar condiments when giving your pooch kale and you’re good to go.


Can dogs eat lemons?

Yes, but it is not recommended. While lemons are rich in Vitamin C, as all citrus fruits do, they tend to have a very sour taste that your dog won’t like. This notable sourness can also irritate your dog’s stomach lining even in small amounts. Sticking to sweeter citrus varieties like oranges is a much better—if not tastier—alternative.


Can dogs eat pretzels?

Yes, so long as you give them plain pretzels without any added seasoning or flavoring. Pretzels are basically biscuits that are shaped like a stick or a knot. While plain pretzels do not contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs, the flavored varieties like those covered in chocolate, infused with herbs and spices, as well as salted ones may trigger adverse effects in your pooch. It’s best to go for the home-made variety if you’re really looking to give your four-legged friend a taste of pretzels.


Can dogs eat radishes?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked, in small amounts, and in moderation. Radishes are rich in Vitamin B12, which helps support ideal brain and nerve health. You can also add a bit of this root vegetable to your pooch’s meal to boost his or her appetite. However, make sure you only give small amounts of radish to your canine companion since this vegetable is known to cause flatulence when consumed in large quantities.


Can dogs eat figs?

Yes, so long as they are fresh and served in minimal amounts. Besides having a naturally distinct sweet flavor, figs are also loaded with fiber that help keep digestive function up to par. However, remember not to feed your pooch more than a single fig in a week’s time since this fruit’s high fiber content can possibly lead to loose bowel movement.


Can dogs eat honeydew?

Definitely! Honeydew melons are totally safe for your pooch. However, it is important to keep in mind that the seeds have to be removed first before serving. The rind should be disposed of as well. Since honeydew has a firmer texture compared to watermelon, slice the fruit into small pieces so your pet can easily chew and swallow the portions.


Can dogs eat tangerines?

Totally! Apart from their high Vitamin C content, tangerines are also packed with folate that help keep your dog’s energy levels ideal. Make sure you completely peel these fruits before serving them to your dog and remove any seeds. Keep in mind not to give your pooch more than one tangerine a day to stave off the possibility of stomach upsets.


Can dogs eat nectarines?

Absolutely! Nectarines contain a variety of nutrients that not just help support ideal gastrointestinal function, but also promote overall muscular health. Remember to get rid of the pit first since your pooch can possibly choke on it. Moreover, it’s your call if you’d prefer to peel this fruit or not.


Can dogs eat quinoa?

Definitely! Considered as a “superfood” for its long list of beneficial nutrients, quinoa is undoubtedly a smart option to add to your dog’s gastronomic ensemble. However, keep in mind that quinoa should be prepared properly so your pooch can absorb the vitamins and minerals it contains. You can also combine quinoa with other dog-safe fruits and vegetables.


Can dogs eat melon?

Yes, so long as you go for the fresh variety. Melons are deemed as some of the healthiest and safest fruits for dogs. They’ve also got a naturally refreshing flavor to boot. Prominent examples of the melons that you can give your dog include watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew. It’s best to keep clear from “melon-flavored” snacks and treats, though.


Can dogs eat fruit?

Totally! However, it is crucial to keep in mind that while dogs can eat fruit, not all types of fruit are safe for your pooch. Make sure you thoroughly check that the fruit you’re going to give your canine family member is completely safe for him or her. You can use this extensive list right here to do just that.


Can dogs eat bones?

No! Although dogs are partly carnivores by nature, which means they typically chomp on bones when they’re feeding, their diet has evolved throughout the years. It’s also unsafe to give your pooch bones of any kind since it is very likely that these will break into fragments. Apart from being a choking hazard, these bone fragments can cause injury to the gums, tongue, and the roof of the mouth.


Can dogs eat chicken?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked and in moderate amounts. Chicken is one of the best protein sources for dogs. And the more protein your pooch has, the stronger his or her bones will become. However, it is crucial to remember never to give your canine friend raw chicken since this puts him or her at risk of bacterial infection like that caused by Salmonella.


Can dogs eat pepperoni?

No! Besides the fact that pepperoni is loaded with spices and seasonings that are harmful to your pooch, its usually high fat and salt content can also lead to blood pressure issues and heart disease if consumed on a regular basis. This deli meat product is definitely a no-no for your precious doggo.


Can dogs eat tofu?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked without oil, in moderation, and do not contain seasonings and other flavoring. Made from soybeans, tofu is a good option to go for if you’re looking to supplement your pooch’s protein intake. However, it is important to keep in mind that tofu should not be the only source of protein for your dog.


Can dogs eat green peppers?

Definitely! Akin to their red and yellow counterparts, green bell peppers are very rich in Vitamin E that help promote and support ideal cellular function. Apart from having a pronounced earthy flavor, green peppers also have an extra crunch that your pooch will love. Just make sure you remove the seeds and stem first before serving.


Can dogs eat pancakes?

Absolutely! Given that the basic pancake recipe is made up of milk, eggs, and flour—which are generally okay for dogs—you can include these treats in your list of edibles to serve up for your pooch. However, remember to hold the syrup and other extras. It’s also best to stick to the home-made variety rather than store-bought preparations.


Can dogs eat corn cobs?

No! Although corn is a dog-safe food option for your pooch, the cob is a whole different story. Besides virtually not having any useful nutrients at all, cobs can also make your canine friend vulnerable to choking and gastrointestinal issues when swallowed. And while we’re at it, corn husks are also a big no-no.


Can dogs eat almond butter?

Totally! Almond butter is safe for your pooch and it even features a few cool health benefits like a shinier coat as well as keeping the blood pressure within the normal range. It is important to remember, though, that you should stick to the home-made variety rather than the ones you get at the store. This is because you can limit the amount of salt and oil when preparing the stuff.


Can dogs eat pork bones?

No! While pork is a type of meat that’s safe for dogs to consume, pork bones are an exception to the rule. Akin to other kinds of bones, pork bones tend to break into fragments when your pooch sinks his or her teeth into them. It’s even possible that your pet could be prone to esophageal injury and intestinal blockages if he or she swallows them.


Can dogs eat sausage?

No! The typical sausage contains spices and herbs that are harmful to your dog. Besides having onion as mainstays in their list of ingredients, these processed meats also contain high levels of fat and salt. One type of sausage called chipolata even gets its name from the Italian word for “having onions.”


Can dogs eat dates?

Yes, so long as you go for the unprocessed variety, in minimal amounts, and the pits are removed. Dates are loaded with potassium, which helps maintain ideal cardiovascular function. However, make sure you only limit your pooch’s consumption of this fruit to no more than one date per week due to its high sugar levels. Dates tend to be sticky, so don’t forget to give him or her water afterward.


Can dogs eat dragon fruit?

Absolutely! Whether it’s the yellow, red, purple, or pink variety, dragon fruit is completely safe for your pooch. And what’s really interesting is that the seeds of this fruit are also non-toxic to your canine family member. All you have to do is peel the whole thing, slice it up into small portions, and your pooch is ready for action—chewing action, that is.


Can dogs eat cilantro?

Yes, so long as they are fresh and served in minimal amounts. Cilantro is considered as the “dog detox herb” because it has been seen to help eliminate unwanted toxins like mercury when consumed on a regular basis. While dry cilantro is also safe for your pooch, he or she will find the fresh variety easier to chew and digest. Moreover, cilantro also helps keep your dog’s teeth clean and breath fresh.


Can dogs eat grass?

Yes, so long as the grass they are eating is growing in a clean and well-maintained place. While this may sound surprising, grass eating is an activity that is common in both domesticated and wild dogs. There are many theories why dogs eat grass, too. One speculation is that it’s one way of absorbing more fiber in the body. Just make sure the grass your pooch is eating comes from a clean source and there’s nothing to worry about.


Can dogs eat grapefruit?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Although the flesh of the grapefruit is safe for pooch consumption, studies show that the fruit’s peel is toxic to dogs. Moreover, grapefruit flesh is far too acidic and may irritate your pet’s stomach lining. Oranges are better citrus alternatives if you’re looking to give your canine friend a tasty dose of Vitamin C.


Can dogs eat mashed potatoes?

Yes, so long as there are no other ingredients added. When serving mashed potatoes to your pooch, remember to hold the salt, milk, butter, and other ingredients that you normally use for your recipe. Keep it as straightforward as can be. Allow the whole thing to cool down for a few minutes before giving it to your canine companion. A couple of spoonfuls will already do the trick as regards serving amount.


Can dogs eat crab?

Yes, so long as it’s properly cooked and shelled without any seasoning or flavoring added. Crab meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help promote and support brain health. Its Vitamin B12 content also staves off anemia. Always remember to check the meat for wayward bits and pieces of shell since these can cause irritation and even injury to your pooch’s mouth, gums and tongue.


Can dogs eat butter?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Interestingly, butter is not toxic to your pooch. However, this dairy product doesn’t have any beneficial nutrients that your dog can absorb except for its very high fat content—and we’re talking about more than 90 percent here. It’s best to skip on this one.


Can dogs eat cottage cheese?

Totally! Cottage cheese is rich in calcium that helps keep bones strong. It’s also quite versatile because you can feed it to your dog as a part of his meal or as a snack by itself. And with its distinct neutral taste, cottage cheese easily complements other dog-safe edibles and treats.


Can dogs eat boiled eggs?

Absolutely! Giving your pooch boiled eggs is perhaps one of the best ways you can up his or her protein absorption. Besides keeping clear from all that extra fat and sodium, your dog will also enjoy the full taste of the egg without the need for additional seasoning or flavoring. Moreover, boiled eggs will match almost any meal you will serve your canine family member.


Can dogs eat vanilla ice cream?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Despite the fact that pure vanilla is not toxic to dogs in any way, you should still avoid giving your pooch vanilla ice cream because it can potentially contain ingredients that are harmful to your canine companion. Key ingredients to watch out for include macadamia nuts and xylitol.


Can dogs eat eggplant?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked without oil, in moderation, and do not contain seasonings and other flavoring. Eggplant is one of the vegetables that are not toxic to dogs. They are so safe, your pooch can even enjoy them raw. However, it is crucial to remember that eggplant is not advisable to older dogs that have joint issues like arthritis as well as those suffering from kidney disease.


Can dogs eat cream cheese?

Yes, so long as it is plain, in moderation and in very minimal amounts. Cream cheese is totally okay for dogs. However, it is crucial that you only go for the low-fat, unflavored variety since their flavored counterparts contain spices and herbs that are harmful for your pooch. You can give your dog cream cheese as an “extra” in his or her regular meal or as a snack by itself.


Can dogs eat butternut squash?

Definitely! The most prominent nutrient that is found in butternut squash is potassium, which supports ideal nervous system health in dogs. You can bake, grill, or even steam these vegetables until they become really soft. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to remove the seeds. Hold the seasonings and flavoring, though.


Can dogs eat clementines?

Absolutely! Clementines belong to the group of citrus fruits that are safe for dogs. They are also loaded with an organic compound called niacin that has antioxidant and DNA-repairing properties. Make sure you only give your pooch a maximum of one clementine a day to stave off stomach upsets.


Can dogs eat salmon skin?

Yes, so long as it is properly and fully cooked without any flavoring or seasoning. The best way to prepare salmon skin for your pooch is by grilling or baking. Besides getting rid of the extra fat, you are also making the salmon extra crispy, which your dog will really love. Moreover, since salmon skin can be rather fatty, make sure you give it sparingly to your canine friend.


Can dogs eat white rice?

Yes, so long as it is plainly cooked and does not contain seasonings and other flavoring. White rice is commonly referred to as the more “refined” cousin of the brown rice. This is because white rice is processed longer than the latter, hence its color. Make sure you only serve steamed white rice to your pooch in minimal amounts. It can be very filling, so dish up accordingly. Keep clear from fried rice and similar recipes that contain herbs and spices like onion.


Can dogs eat spaghetti?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked without oil and do not contain seasonings and other flavoring. A few thoroughly cooked strands will already be enough for your dog. Always avoid raw spaghetti since it can hurt your pet’s throat and esophagus. However, you should not feed your pooch spaghetti with any sauce on it since it contains onions, and other ingredients that can be toxic to him.


Can dogs eat greek yogurt?

Yes, but it is not recommended. While greek yogurt is quite rich in protein, calcium and good gut bacteria, which are beneficial to your canine family member’s bones, muscles, and stomach, it has a high lactose content that some dogs may have a tough time digesting properly. If you do give your dog this treat, a maximum of two teaspoons is already sufficient.


Can dogs eat salami?

No! Salami typically contains a lot of fat and salt, not to mention other ingredients that are toxic to your dog like onion powder. In case you’re looking to give your pooch a meat-based treat, a small portion of plain, fully cooked pork is a great alternative. Make sure you remove all the bones first, though.


Can dogs eat orange peels?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Although orange peels do not contain any compounds that are toxic to your dog, their rubbery texture can cause them to get stuck in your pet’s throat. Your pet will also have a hard time digesting these things, which can even lead to gastrointestinal issues like vomiting or diarrhea in some cases.


Can dogs eat black olives?

Yes, so long as they are not pickled or processed in any way. So long as they do not contain any onion, as well as other ingredients that are toxic to your pooch, black olives are safe for your dog to enjoy. However, it is crucial that you remove the pits first before giving it to him. A couple of black olives will already be enough for your pet.


Can dogs eat beef jerky?

Yes, but it should only be the plain variety. Most beef jerky varieties commonly have a lot of seasonings and spices, particularly onion and which can be harmful to your canine friend. You can always substitute this treat with plainly cooked beef. Just remember to get rid of all the bones first before serving.


Can dogs eat lima beans?

Yes! Lima beans are packed with protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates that help keep your dog’s energy levels up to par. These beans also promote and support ideal muscle health. Steaming or boiling them until tender already does the trick. Hold the flavorings and spices, though. Additionally, your dog will also enjoy their naturally sweet and nutty flavor.


Can dogs eat plantains?

Yes, but they should be fully and thoroughly cooked. Plantains are loaded with nutrients as well as dietary fiber that helps support ideal digestive function. While your pooch can enjoy boiled or steamed plantains, avoid serving him fried ones since these things can absorb a lot of fat during the frying process. A couple of slices will already be sufficient for your dog.


Can dogs eat hummus?

No! A better alternative would be plainly steamed or boiled chickpeas. Apart from being packed with dietary fiber, chickpeas also contain raffinose, which helps promote and support ideal digestive function.


Can dogs eat cheerios?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Although this breakfast treat is made from whole-grain oats that are loaded with fiber and helps keep gut health in tiptop shape, its sugar content may cause spikes in your dog’s blood sugar levels if given on a regular basis. A few pieces can be given to your pooch as an occasional treat, but make sure he drinks a lot of water afterwards.


Can dogs eat green apples?

Yes! Green apples contain lots of nutrients like soluble fiber, Vitamin C, as well as antioxidants that help prevent inflammation and cellular damage. While dogs can eat the skins of green apples, it is important to remember that they should not be given the cores or seeds. Besides the possibility that your pooch can choke on them, apple seeds also contain traces of cyanide that can be toxic to your pet.


Can dogs eat canned tuna?

Yes, so long as it is in moderation, in small amounts, and packed in springwater. Tuna is loaded with fatty acids that are very beneficial to your dogs. This type of fish is also rich in protein that helps prevent muscle loss brought on by old age or sickness. However, remember to only go for canned tuna that is packed in springwater since it doesn’t have any added salt or other flavorings.


Can dogs eat lobster?

Yes, so long as it’s plainly cooked and shelled. Akin to shrimps, lobster is generally safe for your pooch. But the thing is it’s crucial to keep in mind to only give your dog very minimal portions of this marine crustacean since their cholesterol content can be quite high. When it comes to serving lobster to your dog, steaming or boiling them plainly does the trick.


Can dogs eat coconut oil?

Absolutely! Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties that help prevent infection and inflammation. It also has some natural compounds that ward off cavities and keep the coat shiny. However, make sure you limit your servings to very minimal portions since the high fat content in coconut oil can lead to watery stools or even diarrhea in rare cases. Half a teaspoonful will already suffice for a small dog.


Can dogs eat apricots?

Definitely! Apricots are rich in essential nutrients that don’t just help support ideal eye and skin health in dogs, but also keep their bodies hydrated. Before letting your pooch enjoy these fruits, though, make sure you remove the skin and seed, also known as the pit. It’s important to remember that the seeds of apricots contain trace amounts of cyanide and can cause adverse effects to your pooch if ingested.


Can dogs eat hard boiled eggs?

Totally! Hard boiled eggs are rich in heart-healthy nutrients like choline and betaine, which have also been seen to support muscle movement and development. So long as you feed your pooch hard boiled eggs plain without any additional seasonings and flavoring, you’re good to go.


Can dogs eat banana peels?

No! While banana peels aren’t toxic to your dog, their firm, leathery texture may be a potential choking hazard when swallowed. Moreover, banana peels don’t easily disintegrate and can also cause a blockage in the intestines. Avoid these at all times when choosing a snack or treat for your pooch.


Can dogs eat ham bones?

No! Akin to other types of bones, ham bones are an absolute no-no when it comes to the foods that you can give to your dog. Besides possibly splintering inside your pooch’s mouth or throat, cracked ham bones also have sharp edges that can cause internal injury when it passes the digestive system.


Can dogs eat lentils?

Yes, so long as they are prepared properly and plainly cooked. Lentils are very rich in folate, protein, fiber, and potassium, which help regulate your dog’s blood sugar and even keep his energy levels ideal. However, it is important that you soak the lentils before cooking to remove the excess starch and compounds that make these legumes hard to digest. Depending on the size of your pooch, a half-cup of lentils will already be sufficient.


Can dogs eat basil?

Yes, but only in small quantities. Basil has quite a lineup of beneficial nutrients for your dog. Besides promoting joint health and keeping cells resilient from damage, this culinary herb also has a compound that helps make an anxious dog feel more relaxed. If you’re looking to give your pooch a taste of basil, make sure you roast the leaves briefly first without any seasoning or flavoring. Raw basil may taste too strong for your pet.


Can dogs eat spicy food?

No! Spicy foods are usually loaded with ingredients that have been seen as toxic to dogs, such as onion, among others. Apart from irritating your pooch’s taste buds and disrupting his sense of smell, spicy foods can also negatively affect his digestive function, which can lead to gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea.


Can dogs eat cicadas?

No! For starters, cicadas are not inherently toxic or harmful to your dog. But the thing is your pooch is going to be in for some gastrointestinal problems like indigestion and nausea if he happens to consume a lot of these insects. This is because their wings and shells are quite tough and cannot be easily digested.


Can dogs eat sesame seeds?

Yes, so long as it is in moderation and in small quantities. Sesame seeds are rich in fiber, magnesium, and iron. They also have natural oils that promote and support ideal energy levels. However, make sure you go for the hulled variety since a dog’s digestive system can have a tough time breaking down their unhulled counterparts.


Can dogs eat okra?

Yes! Apart from being loaded with folic acid, potassium, and magnesium, okra also contains compounds that can help regulate your dog’s blood sugar levels. Make sure you only steam or boil them plainly before serving. A whole okra is enough to satisfy your pooch’s cravings.


Can dogs eat sardines?

Yes, so long as you go for the fresh variety and they are plainly cooked without seasonings and flavoring. Sardines are abundant with a type of omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. Besides being seen to be beneficial in keeping the brain and eyes healthy, sardines also help maintain ideal joint and muscle health. Canned varieties usually have additives and preservatives that may be harmful to your pooch.


Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Although graham crackers are not toxic or poisonous to your pooch in any way, their high sugar content can lead to obesity and cavities in the long run if consumed on a regular basis. Additionally, these treats offer very little nutritional content for your dog, too. You’re better off giving your pooch dog-friendly fruits if you’re looking to give him a sweet treat.


Can dogs eat tortillas?

Yes, but it is not recommended. Tortillas, particularly the plain variety, are safe for dogs to eat. But the thing is they don’t contain enough nutritional content to be beneficial to your pooch. While they can be given as an occasional snack or treat, making these wheat or grain-based edibles a staple in your dog’s diet is not recommended. Some dogs can also be allergic to gluten, which tortillas made from rye, barley, and wheat are loaded with.


Can dogs eat chia seeds?

Yes! Besides being packed with fiber, chia seeds are also rich in magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus that help maintain ideal kidney function and strengthen the muscles. Serving these to your dog is as simple and straightforward as can be. Chia seeds can be simply added to your pooch’s water bowl or sprinkled on his meals. Make sure you only give a small amount since these things tend to puff up when they absorb moisture.


Can dogs eat raw salmon?

No! Raw salmon can possibly contain harmful organisms that can adversely affect your dog. An example of this is the Neorickettsia helminthoeca parasite, which can also be found in raw trout. This parasite causes a condition called “salmon poisoning.” What’s really scary is that symptoms of this condition only show up after a week of consuming the tainted salmon.


Can dogs eat jello?

No! Most jello varieties that you can grab commercially these days either contain excessive sugar or are made with xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs. A safer and healthier alternative would be home-made gelatin, preferably with no sugar added.


Can dogs eat white chocolate?

No! Although white chocolate does not have as much theobromine compared to its regular and dark counterparts, it may still be toxic to your pooch if consumed. The added sugar and fat in white chocolate can also trigger other health issues like obesity and high cholesterol levels.


Can dogs eat jalapenos?

No! At its simplest, jalapenos do not contain any compounds that are toxic or harmful to your dog. However, this doesn’t mean that you should include this one in your list of foods to give your pooch. This is because a jalapeno pepper still contains a potent amount of capsaicin—the chemical that makes peppers spicy—to cause gastrointestinal problems.


Can dogs eat apple cores?

No! You should not feed your dog apple cores since they are not just choking hazards, but the seeds also contain trace amounts of cyanide. Although apples are generally safe for dogs, make sure you discard the cores straight away when you’re preparing a snack or treat for your pooch.


Can dogs eat gummy bears?

No! Most gummy bears that you can get your hands on these days are flavored with an artificial sweetener called xylitol, which is toxic to your dog. While there are still gummy bear varieties that do not contain xylitol, they are still bad for your pooch due to their high sugar content. Go for dog-friendly fruits instead.


Can dogs eat shrimp tails?

No! Although shrimps are safe for dogs as long as they are properly cooked, deveined, shelled, and preferably wild-caught, shrimp tails should definitely be crossed out of your checklist. Apart from being choking hazards, they can also possibly cause nicks and cuts to your pooch’s throat, esophagus, and even intestines when swallowed.


Can dogs eat goldfish?

No! Goldfish crackers contain onion, which are toxic to dogs. These treats are also very high in salt and other artificial flavorings. If you're looking to give your dog a bit of crunch during his next snack, plain lettuce, apples and cashew nuts are healthier options you can go for.


Can dogs eat steak?

Yes, so long as it is plainly cooked and in moderation. Packed with omega-6 fatty acids that are good for the heart and protein that keeps muscles strong, giving your pooch steak should be on your checklist. However, keep in mind to hold the additional seasonings or flavoring, especially onion. Make sure you remove the bones before serving, too.


Can dogs eat mustard?

No! Mustard is toxic to dogs because it contains glucosinolates, which can trigger adverse effects that range from vomiting and gastroenteritis to diarrhea. Apart from the glucosinolates, commercial mustard also contains additives and preservatives that may be harmful to your pooch. Same goes for mustard powder and wild mustard.


Can dogs eat ketchup?

No! Most commercial ketchup varieties available these days either contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that’s toxic to dogs, or loads of sugar can also cause serious health issues to your pet. Moreover, some ketchup brands have onion powder as staples in their list of ingredients.


Can dogs eat red peppers?

Definitely! Red bell peppers are rich in Vitamin E that promotes and supports ideal cellular function. This vitamin also helps prevent the degeneration of the muscles and eyes, especially among older dogs. The crunchy texture will also delight your pooch with every bite. Don’t forget to take out the seeds first before serving.


Can dogs eat mint?

Yes, so long as it is in fresh herb form and not an essential oil. Besides adding an interesting kick to your pooch’s meals, integrating a bit of fresh mint to his diet can also help get rid of bad breath. However, it is a different story with processed mint candies or breath mints, which can contain the artificial sweetener, xylitol, that is toxic to your dog.


Can dogs eat crackers?

Yes, so long as it is plain and with no added seasoning or flavoring. Crackers are generally safe for your dog if you stick with the plain variety that doesn’t have any added flavor profiles. Keep clear from crackers that have spices in them, particularly onion, as well as those that are loaded with sugar.


Can dogs eat olive oil?

Yes, so long as it is in small amounts and in moderation. Olive oil has been to have several health benefits for dogs, such as helping prevent cognitive degeneration and maintaining a shiny and thick coat. Make sure you only give a maximum of one teaspoon of olive oil to your pooch per week since overdoing it can potentially lead to gastrointestinal issues.


Can dogs eat cherry tomatoes?

Yes, so long as they are ripe and with the seeds removed. See, unripe tomatoes are loaded with a chemical called solanine, which is toxic for dogs. Solanine is usually found in the green parts of the unripe cherry tomato, as well as in the leaves and stem of the tomato plant. As for the seeds, they have to be removed since they can potentially cause stomach upsets.


Can dogs eat scallops?

Yes, so long as they are plainly cooked without seasonings and flavoring. Scallops are rich in potassium that helps maintain ideal nerve and muscle function. When serving these marine edibles to your pooch, always remember to cook them fully without adding any oil, spices, and other condiments.



Why can't dogs eat chocolate?

This is because chocolate contains theobromine, an alkaloid that is toxic to dogs. Some of the symptoms of theobromine poisoning include severe lethargy and muscle twitching. Severe theobromine poisoning can even lead to heart failure in dogs. While theobromine is typically prevalent in dark chocolate, trace amounts of it can still be found in white chocolate.



Well that pretty much sums up our super comprehensive list of the human food dogs can eat and those that they should keep clear of.

I hope that you have learned a lot from this article not just on the types of foods dogs can eat but also on how to properly prepare these edibles so your canine family member can enjoy them safely.

In case you have some questions or things you’d like to clarify about how to keep your dog as healthy and happy as can be, make sure you contact us.

Besides providing you with insightful tips and recommendations, our Natural Health Advisors will also walk you through on the products and treatment options that best fit your animal's health needs.


Naturally with you and your pet, every step of the way!




About the author

Suzie Cyrenne
Suzie Cyrenne


Suzie Cyrenne has dedicated more than 20 years of her life in making and improving natural animal health solutions in the global setting.

Being the co-founder of Zumalka, Suzie is a forerunner in enhancing the lives of pets through natural and homeopathic options using the knowledge she has gained from the Classical Homeopathy School in Quebec.

Through the guidance of her mother-in-law and fellow natural health expert, Denyse Lessard, Suzie constantly devotes herself to create premium pet products that are aimed at dealing with the root causes of wellness problems and not just their symptoms.

Besides immersing herself in books, personal development and visiting new places, Suzie also enjoys keeping herself in tiptop shape by snowboarding and taking daily hikes with her husband and Zumalka co-founder, Matt Lessard, and their Golden-Doodle, Westin.

Find out more about Suzie when you click HERE.

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